We joined the SloWeAre family
We are happy to announce that Bag Affair joins the community of sustainable labels of SloWeAre – a platform for ethical textile brands and shopping advice. To be integrated each brand has to run a deep audit to be approved of being truly sustainable and transparent.
SloWeAre has been created by Eloise after her own negative experience in the fashion industry. And the difficulty not to know which brand to trust, which products to buy and how to obtain information about their practices. Most fashion brands are not transparent about the origins of their products, materials or the way the clothes are made.
Ethical shopping now made easy
If you want to dress ethically you need to spend more time in asking questions than enjoying a shopping experience. Today SloWeAre offers a perfect solution- you can select brands or categories to review brands in various fashion categories; clothes, shoes, accessories, you name it. The portal makes shopping easier while assuring trust in sustainability.
Green Shopping Tours in Paris
SloWeAre is also very active offline. Eloise and Thomas organise fashion tours in Paris and thematic conferences around fashion change and sustainability. The rising demand in transparency in fashion, as well as nearshoring of brands from overseas, such as bringing back the fashion industry to industrial deserts in the north of France, is an example of many initiatives that new brands promote. The community of green fashion in France is in constant rise, and the work done by serious independent audits such as SloWeAre is vital to provide clear and quick answers to this growing demand.
Fashion Transparency Audit
Following only brands which pass their audit are integrated on their website. The audit consists in rigorous transparency questions of supply and value chain: information how, where and under which conditions for human, nature and animals the products are made, leaving no details unturned. The sustainable development goals from the United Nations need to be followed as well as a full transparency of suppliers are production steps have to be provided.
Today Bag Affair proudly announces to have passed the audit and to be SloWeAre certified!
The label is an opportunity for us to further show our clients, via an external independent party, that we truly stand behind our values. Bag Affair is transparent about our production and that our collection is unique from tree to the bag. We want to further elevate women in their careers with practical handbags that carry their work essentials, their image and ambitions. Business fashion that serves an important purpose while respecting animals, humans and the planet.
A family of French green fashion brands
And we are happy that there are more great brands out these who are as well SloWeAre certified. Did you know for example Olly Lingerie – they work with organic cotton, made in Europe. Or how about linen clothes made in France from CONOUCO – fashion for men and women made from linen grown in France. On SloWeAre you can find full outfits, accessories as well as shopping tips – we definitely recommend to check it out!